Miss Bodi is a model from South Africa, traveling all around the world walking the ramp for many of fashions top designers. She just finished walking at Dubai fashion Week, and currently Right at this Hot moment our dear friend is in Mumbai India doing Some fashion for the sake of Lakhme India Fashion week.where she is currently residing at.
However, this vivacious lady is always globe trotting all around the world making her dreams reality.
I met Farhana (Bodi the body) about three years ago on the beaches of Goa in Mumbai. What struck me first was her dusky skin color that was glowing from a mile away. Next was her big beautiful brown eyes that one look from her, she would have you in a daze. I can go on and on about her, but the most important quality about this Diva was her aura and larger then life personality that captured my heart!. Says Diva Tea..
As for me Miss D i met this dear beauty in London Town for quite some years ago and we did had some really great memories together, from late crystal night till early afternoon shopping at Miss Selfridges..
What brought us both closer was our heartbeat R.I.P Sahar, as Farhana was a dear friend to her as well, so we always stayed in contact,she has a heart big as this world and she really cares alot about her friends.it is hard to find real friends these days.
And iam as proud as Miss Tea, over this beauty ofcourse, you will se more of her coming soon, as she is right now on the Top, and man she is busy busy..
Here is Some Farhana Eye CANDIES..only for the eyes of the Lovers..Compris! desole pour mon francais!
Our Miss Bodi!
Posted by Diwa Zai at 10:13 AM 1 comments
Teisbe Styles
Seeing beauty, thats what Teisbe Styles aka Tony is all about. I met him a few weeks ago at this underground loft party....where I was bartending. "Would you like cranberry or orange juice", i would repeat a hundread times. However, there was a B-Boy competition going on and all these boys from everywhere in the world came down to participate. It was held by one of Madonnas dancer and the winner would take home 1K. Its more then just dancing...as an artist you are suppose to feel and build on the emotions that are within you, like a journey of stories, told right before the judgment of watchin eyes.
As the only Asian there doing his thing he showed a different kind of freshness that stood him apart. A passion which you could see in his eyes. Passed me by with a smile...then came back with a little more talk. I like to say...I love confidence in a man. Before he could get to the number part....my response "hit me up on FB". We connected and there is more to him then just a little game. His energy is exuded through is dancing and you could feel the magic and emotions while he showing his skills on the dance floor.
You need to watch out for Tony as he is about to do big things in NYC. You could keep a track of him by going to his website www.teisbe.com
Conceive, Believe, Achieve, Recieve, Look See Move, Be Do Have!!!!!!!!!!!
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 2:06 PM 3 comments
My dear friend Vida Samadzai was born in 1980 in Kabul, Afghanistan. She is Miss Afghanistan 2003. The first Afghan woman to participate in an international beauty pageant since 1974. She represented Afghanistan in Miss Earth beauty pageant in 2003 and was given a special "beauty for a cause" award at that competition.
Vida has earlier worked in Subhash Ghai’s Black and White and claims that Ghai has asked her not to leave the film industry. Ask her if she thinks the Indian film industry will work wonders for her, as it has done for some international actors, and she smiles mischievously, “I don’t have a Salman Khan to help me bag a lead role. In the Hindi film industry foreign actresses are instantly offered item numbers. It is not that I don’t want to do them...if it’s a good production house why not? I want to do challenging roles and would wait for the right scripts.” And there is more! def more of this pretty lady coming!
When i was down in India Mumbai we got the chance to celebrate her birthday all together it was a very fun night out, and we captured some really un memories togther.
Two days ago at Lakme India Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2009 - Day 1 Bombay, India, our dear Vida starts the show and walks the runway in the Archana Kochhar show at Grand Hyatt in Bombay, India.
Im really proud of this women, she is not just beautiful but indeed a very smart and sharp lady to watch and learn from..
"I guess that beauty pageant helped shaped me," she says. "Because now I want to be 'the first' to do many things. I want to cross boundaries and milestones. I want to be the best, to do my best, to help change the world. I'm definitely not afraid of controversy anymore," she says, smiling.
On her life philosophy:
"Be optimistic and treat every individual with the respect you would like to receive. Because of the beauty pageant controversy, some women in the world consider me an inspiration. That's an honour to me and I treasure that responsibility. So I would never want to serve as a bad example for anyone."
Got her! hope Shoooo
Posted by Diwa Zai at 9:20 AM 2 comments
Hafiz my light!
O fool, do something, so you won't just stand there looking dumb. If you are not traveling and on the road, how can you call yourself a guide? In the School of Truth, one sits at the feet of the Master of Love. So listen, son, so that one day you may be an old father, too! All this eating and sleeping has made you ignorant and fat; By denying yourself food and sleep, you may still have a chance. Know this: If God should shine His lovelight on your heart, I promise you'll shine brighter than a dozen suns. And I say: wash the tarnished copper of your life from your hands; To be Love's alchemist, you should be working with gold. Don't sit there thinking; go out and immerse yourself in God's sea. Having only one hair wet with water will not put knowledge in that head. For those who see only God, their vision Is pure, and not a doubt remains. Even if our world is turned upside down and blown over by the wind, If you are doubtless, you won't lose a thing. O Hafiz, if it is union with the Beloved that you seek, Be the dust at the Wise One's door, and speak! Hafiz From: 'Drunk On the Wind of the Beloved' Translated by Thomas Rain Crowe I grew up with this man and his poetry and his words and spirits,As my late father was a big fan, I had just been too busy past years to remember him, but this is what i was and i will keep it close to my heart! We can learn alot from him, one of the greatest poets of the world! Hafiz
Posted by Diwa Zai at 3:44 AM 2 comments
Dear Lara Today i appreciate you!
i’ve forever got this love/hate thing with lots of Models including my eye Gem Lara Stone.
today, ive only LOVE for her.
With a cigarette perched in her mouth and her long hair slightly teased, she’s a modern-day Brigitte Bardot.STYLE.COM
In the new S/S 2009 ad campaign, Zara My spainish Fashion house doesnt have so much to offer but they are offering us Lara and honestly i Love the way she looks, my jaw was wide open, and iam a women who hardly gets pleased!
Posted by Diwa Zai at 3:09 AM 1 comments
Coco Chanel
Despite being born into poverty, Chanel parlayed her simple, clean sensibility into a decades-long run as the queen of Parisian haute couture. Her guiding principle that a garment is only luxurious if it’s comfortable appealed to women, and her iconic Chanel jacket is possibly the most imitated piece of clothing ever.
My Ladies and gentlemen’s Her genius can be summed up in one of her quotes: “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”
The moment I have been waiting for is here -- the trailer for "Coco avant Chanel" (Coco Before Chanel) is on Youtube!
It's just too bad I can't understand a word of it. The movie is all in French and so far we haven't been able to find a sneak peek of the movie with subtitles, but I was lucky I had my beautifull friend Miss Frenchy next to me yesteday and she was used as my ultimate fashion translator.
Audrey Tautou is gorgeous as a young Coco. While the actress is inevitably put in every role that calls for a young French woman, regardless of whether she's right for the part or not,she looks damn stunning, I love the simplicity and elegance in her look
Watch the trailer and tell us what you think -- will you be seeing this movie as soon as it comes out? I will be running to Icaria cant miss this one!
Posted by Diwa Zai at 2:59 AM 4 comments
Santos with Q-tip and Diddy
If your ever in the NYC area....the L.E.S (lower east side), then you must check out Santos. The hottest spot on a friday night...lol and you can wear your hottest sneakers and bamboo earings, cause you'll be dancing the night away. However, the line goes as long as around the corner so be there early. If your a dime (fly ass chick) you will have no problem.
My cousin and some girlfriends went out and had such a good time...did a little dance with Diddy himself with his junglee clap move. Just a few from that night!

Diddy getting ready to do his 2 hand clap dance . Not hating , I love Diddy. However Wack!

Posted by Diwa Zai at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Mcdonalds and Pharell = Yummy!
LOL. Funny. Not only is he sexy....hes got humor. Pharell at a Mcdonalds....singing and dancing to get those Big Macs. Ill take Pharell, fries and a shake. Thank you! ;-~
Posted by Diwa Zai at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Miss Tea is back!
Smooches to all of you!
Keep reading .15minutesfame.com as more hotness is about to be added to this page.
I will be covering all the great things of this
eccentric place called New York City. As Diwa baby covers the many things in Europe that she comes across. Hopefully, by now you will know that im crazy about this place and has given me a lot of inspiration to be who i am and explore the many oppourtunities that are given to me on daily basis. The sun is always shining when it comes to me, even the rainiest days are filled with so much shine. So keep reading and shining your way on your journey as its about to get hot. As well, take a ride with us and our careers on this beautiful journey as we enter the next phase of our lives. SMOOCHES for now! :-)
Posted by Diwa Zai at 5:47 PM 3 comments
A fashion Statement at HIS Neptunes Best!
Man with swag...slick as can be. I love his sense of style...from just chillin to walking the streets of Paris or it may be Italy. Mr. Williams, Pharelle that is, is on point! Im feeling the light skinned boys. ;-~
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 5:37 PM 0 comments
And i will try to Fix You..
There are very few vital things that I have learned in my short life: wear panties to the doctors office, don't lie to your mother, do on to others as you would like done on to you, don't pee into the wind, take the tassle off your graduation cap befor you throw it in the air, long distance relationships CAN work if you really try, covering your green beans in an obscene amount of lemon pepper doesn't mean you don't have to eat them, and friendships formed in high school can be the ones that last forever. But there are two important life lessons that I feel I need to share. 1. No one in your adult life will give two shits what you have been through in the past. You will be instantly judged on the way you carry yourself and how you act around others as opposed to the depth of your character. It sucks, but it's a fact. True friends and lovers will know take the time to get to know you, an as you grow up, more people will be willing to alter their original judgements, but be prepared for those who will not.
And 2. True love, in any form, never really dies. And though it may not be unbreakable and may seem weak at times, love isn't about a perfect fairytale, it is the product of knowing someone's heart and knowing their flaws, but embracing them anyway.
And also, there is something extremely therapeutic about having clean sheets.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 12:39 PM 1 comments
Dear Nintendo
Dear Nintendo, we need a new Mario game, where you rescue Princess in the first ten minutes, and for the rest of the game you try and push down that sick feeling in your stomach that she's 'damaged goods', a concept detailed again and again in the profoundly sex negative instruction booklet, and when Luigi makes a crack about her and Bowser, you break his nose and immediately regret it. When Peach asks you, in the quiet of her mushroom castle bedroom, "Do you still love me?" you pretend to be asleep. You press the A button rhythmically to control your breath, keep it even."
Posted by Diwa Zai at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Tina Tea feat Girls Just want to have Fun
I come home in the morning light
My Tina Tea says when you gonna live your life right
Oh Tina dear we are the fortunate ones, coz we have eachother
And girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun
The phone rings in the middle of the night
My SuperStar Tina yells what you gonna do with your life
Oh Tina my dear you know you're still number one
we girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have -
Oh girls just want to have
That's all they really want
Some fun
When the working day is done
Girls - they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun,
They want to have fun,
They want to have fun....
we want to have fun, Tina is Fun, check her new add out there, it is amazing, it is love and it is all Hot in one! My nr One!
I just wanted... no, had to tell you how much you mean to me. I don't know what I would do without a great friend like you. You are the number one best Junglee I have ever had. Without you my pathetic life would not be worth living. I would climb the highest mountain, swim the deepest sea, walk across the hottest desert just to tell you howincredibly special your friendship is to me.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 10:06 AM 7 comments
Barbie 50th Birthday!
Barbie is a fashion doll manufactured by Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959. American businesswoman Ruth Handler (1916-2002) is credited with the creation of the doll using a German doll called Bild Lilli as her inspiration.
Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for nearly fifty years, and has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, often involving parody of the doll and her lifestyle..
Barbie is created like a real person, with breasts. This doll was the first of its kind that was made to look like a real person's body parts.
The Collectors editions of the dolls are worth enormous sums of money.
Barbie, the iconic doll that has claimed countless hours of girls' lives in a make-believe world that mirrored real life glamour, high-fashion and fabulous careers, is turning 50.
introduced at a toy fair in New York City on March 9, 1959 as a teenage fashion model, Barbie, whose full name is Barbie Millicent Roberts, cost $US3.
Big birthday bash Today!
Whither Barbie goes, the world's No. 1 toymaker is waging an extensive campaign to promote Barbie, perhaps its most notable toy, and celebrate her birthday.
Mattel the owner of the Barbie has opened a six-story flagship store in Shanghai called House of Barbie, featuring a restaurant, spa and runway where girls can pretend to be fashion models. Film stars Jet Li and Cathy Chung attended the Shanghai opening.
Supermodel Heidi Klum and other celebrities are expected on Monday at Mattel's Malibu Dream House party in a 3,500-square foot house at Malibu, California, near Los Angeles. The interior of the house was designed by Jonathan Adler.
One of Barbie's major attractions over the past five decades has been her clothes, created by some of the world's most famous designers, including Gucci, Calvin Klein, Galliano and Versace. Throughout her life, Barbie's hair and fashions have reflected real life haute couture, and fashion trends and crazes.
www.barbiefest.com check it out for you to put your own story of your Love Barbie!
Posted by Diwa Zai at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Alicia Keys
"I always want to stay focused on who I am, even as I'm discovering who I am".
- "Oh my God, the [hip-hop] videos! The imagery is so awful! I just can't get with it at all. The best thing I can say about it is that sometimes you have to see that kind of stuff so as to have a more balanced view about why it's so bad." [her opinion on the use of women, sex and sleaze in today's rap/hip-hop videos]
- "Keep a Child Alive is my passion and my mission."
Posted by Diwa Zai at 4:48 PM 1 comments
Mathangi Maya Arulpragasam M.I.A. is the performing name of Maya Arulpragasam, an artist and singer known for the dancehall hits "Galang" and "Sunshowers." Arulpragasam grew up in Sri Lanka in a family that was among the Tamil minority. Political upheaval spurred her mother to apply for refugee status in Britain, and in 1986 the family moved to London. Arulpragasam studied film at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design and began her career as a documentary maker. After discovering the joys of a drum machine, she began writing her own songs and distributing mix-tapes and singles on her own. A blend of hip-hop and reggae rhythms with politicized lyrics, her singles "Galang" and "Sunshowers" became dancehall and DJ favorites in 2003 and 2004. Music videos and word of mouth helped boost the anticipation of her first album, Arular, released internationally in 2005. She also made news at the 2009 Grammy Awards, when she performed onstage while nine months pregnant with her first child. In military argot, "M.I.A." stands for "missing in action"... Mia was born in London to Sri Lankan parents. Her family moved back to Sri Lanka when she was an infant, then later returned to England again. "People don't realize that I had to come from a village in Sri Lanka to get here. So the journey is about the journey itself, not just about doing music." - "I'm just the alternative to that 'coffee table music' -- I'm the flipside to what Norah Jones is doing." M.I.A
Posted by Diwa Zai at 4:35 PM 3 comments
Facebook' with caution
Don't click on it or all your secrets and personal info will be revealed. :-<
Posted by Diwa Zai at 6:18 AM 0 comments
Negative Role Model
Man, if my man ever punched me in the face...I would never take him back!
Posted by Diwa Zai at 6:10 AM 1 comments
Frieda enjoying the attention
Freida Pinto is really make new waves in Hollywood and even in Milan the fashion capital for a day, where she attended the D&G show. It seems that she has replaced Scarlett Johansson, as Woody Allen's new muse. Both ladies where at the show...I wonder how Scarlett felt? Hollywood and showbiz is such a fickle business. One day your hot and the next your not. How do you prepare yourself? How do you avoid these situations? Can you?
I think its a choice you make when entering this buisness. One thing I can say is, never get attached to the highs or lows of the sparkle world or heck anything else in life. As everything changes and everything is all an illusion! ;-0
Posted by Diwa Zai at 7:00 PM 1 comments
Winnie the Poo..
Posted by Diwa Zai at 7:23 AM 3 comments
Kevahn Thorpe 17 years Old from Queen Bridge Projects.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 4:32 AM 2 comments
Act like A lady, Think like a Man
Actor, comedian and radio-show host Steve Harvey was inspired to write his latest book, ‘Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment’ following a personal experience with his daughter’s boyfriend.
When my daughter came down, we told her, and she wasn’t with his program.” Harvey’s daughter urged him to write a book. She said she had no idea she could ask the man she was dating what his plans were, and Harvey broke it all down. “A woman has a right to know what a man’s plan is for her,” Harvey said. “If the plan he has with you doesn’t match up with the plan you have for yourself, you need to make some changes. Trust me, every man who meets you has a plan. Even that brother in church who comes up to you saying, ‘Praise the Lord!’ has a plan for you. You need to ask him what that plan is.”
“Men and women speak a different language,” said Harvey. “I just help decode what men are saying so women can understand it.”
who better to take advice from than a 50 year old school; player, he knows the game. I will definitely be buying this book.
My favourite part from the book..
The 90 day policy.
The comparison is that when you take a new job, you have a 90 day probationary period with your employer before the benefits kick in. So before they invest in you with paid time off, health insurance, 401K... the employer wants to know that you are dependable, reliable, steady, loyal, on time, dedicated. And once you've proven it, you get the benefits.
So why shouldn't women (and men) do the same? Wait until he's proven his value before you offer up the benefits.
"Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" is a book you must read if you want to understand how men think when it comes to relationships.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 3:51 AM 2 comments
Matthew My Gem!
Matthew Williamson celebrated the opening of his first New York flagship store along with some celebrity friends including Lindsay Lohan, Mischa Barton and Rachel Zoe.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 5:17 PM 0 comments
JAI HO Re-mix ???
The Pussycat dolls have just recorded a english version of the song JAI HO by AR Rahman. Im not sure if im feeling this one. I mean AR Rahman is one of India 's leading composer and just finished performing at the Oscars with John Legend and took home 2 of his own Oscars. All his achievements and hard work has payed off...im not sure if im liking the PCD remaking his track. Doesn't sound truthful or genuine at all. I guess when you hit big time, things change and you go pop!
Let me know what you think? :-/
Posted by Diwa Zai at 4:02 AM 2 comments