What do you get when you have a young lad with a northen accent, looks to kill, dress sense to die for and a big touch of DIVA-NESS... All this summed up will equal to one name that you should always remember and you will be seeing more and more of and that is AKMAL SHAUKAT!
Akmal stepped into the modelling industry at the tender age of 16 and it was not long until his sharp unique features got him recognised and popular... Soon enough Akmal was an international hit, being represented by various modelling agencies including BOSS Models Akmal started his journey of conquering the fashion industry.
Having such an unforgettable and striking look took Akmal to new heights from appearing in various magazines to working for top fashion names such as Hugo Boss...
Being a part of the industry myself I had never come across a male model which I thought WOW! at first glance... My first aquaintance with Akmal was a couple of years ago at the Face of Asia competition... Among the male contestants I think everyone had already figured out who the winner was, I mean no offence to the other male participating candidates but honestly there was no competition... The sharp feautures, the hair, the style was enough to stand out in itself among the rest of the typical asian lads but I guess for everyone the killer was the walk on the ramp!
With so much presence, such an expression and such a striking air about him even if Naomi was paired up with him I think he would outshine her and she'd end up bashing out on him on the ramp.... Damn I would hate to have been the other guys it must have felt very intimidating!
But this Diva is not just all looks... with creative talents like his, sometimes I myself become in awe of my friends that have so much more to them!!! Not only is he so great in front of the camera but also behind the camera too... A hidden hobby that was kept as a little secret by him... Ooopsie... did I say secret??? Well not anymore I guess.
He is currently busy collaborating with stunning models, amazing wardrobe stylists and magical make up artists to introduce to the world his view from behind the camera and I can tell you with full surety that it would be one hell of a view that would blow you away!!! SO WATCH THIS SPACE!!!
Forgive me ladies but due to a very high rate of demand unfortunately I cannot share any contact information with you guys... hehe!
Oh, but if your SUPER nice then ummm... just MAYBE! ;o)
Until next time....
He is hottie..
Diwa you never told me about himm? whynot?
aky is a close friend of mine and everything in that article is spot on and I'm a guy admitting to that he's a special guy
He's Hot
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