My Favourite of all Rumi the infamous one..

Thursday, December 11, 2008

If you are with everyone without me, you are with none, If you are with me and with nobody, you are with everyone...

Mevlana Jelal al-Din Rumi, who is known as “Mevlana” in Turkey and as “Rumi” in the western world, can be called a mystic poet, a thinker, a theosophist or a Sufi; but if you could ask him, “What are you?” He could say, “I am nothing, no one famous but a simple lover of God..."

Iam reading  The Essentials of Rumi: Great Book Perhaps the world's greatest spiritual poet.. 


Sahar Daftary said...

Whenever I was down and my spirits low i used to read his qoutes and it always felt like words of wisdome to me that i already knew but somehow through the midst of the pain and despair always forgot to remember, but my dear wise Rumi and his qoutes was always there to remind me... My all time favourite Rumi qoute has always been "Suffering is a gift, in it is hidden Mercy" Something i quite never understood when i first read it but somehow through the turmoils of life i understood and not just understood but understood too well exactly what he meant.

Sahar Daftary said...

"If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?" ~Rumi~
In life we need the discomforts, we need the hardships we face and we need the difficulties that we go through, otherwise how boring would life be? If you truly think about it, how dull would we be as individuals? Life would not be life without the problems that we face each and everyday cos it is this that makes us the better, stronger, wiser individuals that we become in the end of it all... but then there are those unforunate poor souls that never learn but for the ones that do the world becomes their oyster and they become unstoppable.

Sahar Daftary said...

I think in this qoute Rumi must have been addressing majority of the muslim men...

"Many of the faults you see in others, dear reader, are your own nature reflected in them."

I do not mean to be sexist but i guess it is merely another precious lesson life has taught me and sadly too many muslim men are like that, full of double standards and hypocrisy... They do it all, every horrible thing you can imagine then at the end of the day they finger gets pointed at you! EUGHHHH!!! Someone give me a gun so i can shoot each and everyone down hahahahaha... cos the world would be such a better place without people like that!