Were Back Junglees!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

We were gone for a minute but back again. Our sincere apologies....in case your wondering were we have been. Well Miss D and I have caught up in the slummdogs of Mumbai...since our last venture and capturing every thing possible to add to our memories. Love, drama, attention spans, rickshaws, elephants, private jets, sand, wedding vows not to be broken, illusions, love that doesn't exsist anymore, new found love, chicken tikka, late nights, late mornings, WANNABEEE CELEBRITIES...you get the point by now. Crazy fun that anyone and there girlfriends would be hatin'.

Yes, were living the good life like Kanye spoke....were doing it up, however Miss D thinks im so heartless a girl from a movie scene but heck yeah im a drama queen...i think she is a little paranoia...cause she is so Amazing. We on firee! LOL (can't get enough of Mr. West).

India is such a magical country when you find the right inspiration and right people to hang out with and dont get caught up with the Bollywood hype. We have come across people that have inspired us with their 15 Minutes of Fame, as well as the people who "think" they even come close to a minute of fame. However, they don't come close ...you either have it or you don't. But who are we to judge....its just our little silly opinions. Were just Divas! Recognize

Soon we will be featuring some of the people, places and things of our India adventure who we think are simply the hottest of that moment. However, we need to get a tan first so we can relax and write with ease.

Our thoughts and memories of Princess Sahari will never be forgotten as she is with us enjoying every moment with us! She's watching from above and laughing at the ridiculousness of the Divaness. SSSSSSSHHHHHH!

Stay tuned its about to get HOTTER then the sun! ;-)

Miss D and Miss Tea


Anonymous said...

had missed you both..
get jealouse on your friendship, you both really cool together.
shine up.
keep us updated