I’ve been stewing about this all day…. First off, I am NOT a regular watcher of The Hills, The OC, or any of these faux-reality MTV shows., But i do watch Gossip Girls for the sake of Chuck.. They are just ridiculous- and lets face it, I’m just way too old and out of the demographic. BUT- I happened to catch The City today, and as someone who has so many friends working in “The City” immediately after college I want to put a few things straight to the 16-20 year old kids out there who think, for any reason, that The City represents real life in NYC. Firstly, there is NO WAY a PR job at DVF pays enough money to support Whitney’s lifestyle. Granted, the little tart gets $75k per episode (or so I’ve read) - but really, to make it “reality” shouldn’t they have her trying to scrape by like real people her age have to do when living/working in NYC for the first time? I remember friends that lived in NYC right after college during their first job; their bedrooms were the size of closets. Actually their bedrooms WERE the closets because well, the closets didn’t exist. Another friend lived in a studio and had a murphy bed. I thought it was super cool, although now I can only imagine how annoying it must have been to pull down your bed night after night! Imagine one of those tart socialites pulling down a murphy bed to get busy on? It would probably make the show a lot more fun, wouldn’t it! In the episode I saw today, a love interest showed up at a dinner party (um, seriously though- who has fucking dinner parties at 21…. well, besides me… I did, didn’t I?)… with a bottle of Veuve Clicquot champagne. Seriously, what kid that age #1 knows what Veuve Clicquot is and #2 brings it to a party?! I feel bad for recent and upcoming college and university graduates like myself, we are entering a job market that is the worst since the depression.. and yet, we are bombarded with images of wealth and excess that is, at our age, almost 99% unattainable. And even worse, they think that this is what life is really like- that after a full day of work (especially in fashion, you know at 21-22 you are worked like a dog- at least 10-11 hour days) you still look fabulous and then you go out and party. Um- you’re usually dog tired- and if you do party, it’s at home, because after paying rent, bills, student loans- there is nothing left to go out with! Seriously though, MTV should be a little ashamed of themselves by putting this vapid show on the air… shouldn’t we be teaching our youth something a little more important? What about a reality show about what life is REALLY like!
The City the Reality? MTV FAME?
Posted by Diwa Zai at 6:36 PM 5 comments
It is kind of heartbreaking at times when you see so much envy, hatred and jealousy in this world. There is this saying in Persian which is kind of difficult to translate in English but I guess the best attempt would be that "they do not have the eye to see". One would assume that its referring to a blind person, or even maybe about someone that fails to see the good in what you do for them in the form of ungratefulness but in reality what this Persian saying refers to are the jealous, envious or nowadays more commonly known as the haters who cannot see another individual doing good for themselves and in their lives be it in the form of success, beauty, friends, relationships etc etc...
In the field that I have been in I have come across many celebrities, from A list to Z list wannabes but the ironic thing to me was how these people in this blog are so much more interesting and real than these artificial and superficial people that the media consider to be famous. So to me it's these real people that I want to read and know more about and not when Britney's next breakdown will be. This blog is REAL, it's TRUE, and I promise you its a thing of tomorrow.
So "IT" you waste of human space one word of advice for you GET LOST LOSER!!!
P.S. If anyone would know or have any clue about this scaredy cat "IT's" identity then please do not hesitate to contact me so I can break "IT's" frikkin head off! Rest assured all information will be dealt with confidentially and "IT" will be headless!
Posted by Sahar Daftary at 5:24 PM 4 comments
I will continue to dream..
when I feel life ain't worth living, i have got to stand up and take a look around,me i look way up to the sky, and when my deepest thoughts are broken, i keep on dreaming cause when I stop dreaming its time for me to die, and as we all play parts of tomorrow, some ways we'll work and other ways we'll play. but i know we can't all stay here forever, so i wanna write my words on the face of today.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 7:55 AM 1 comments
Amandade Cadenet
Famous before she even picked up a camera, amanda was an it brit wild child. she's been a tv host, actress and of course photographer.
she's married two rock stars, first john taylor of duran duran and she's currently with nick valensi of the strokes. she's partied hard in tiaras with courtney love ♥ and is the mother of three children. you can definitely see the influence rock and roll, grunge and the la lifestyle has on her photography.
check out her stuff, u like? i think the pic with the baby might be of her older daughter and baby twins? the ages would fit. it's my favourite. pictures are featured in id, l'officiel, elle and interview.
sources: amandadecadenet.com and life.com
Posted by Diwa Zai at 6:34 AM 1 comments
Michella My Bella..
Michelle Obama follows in the fashion footsteps of first ladies like Jackie Kennedy, who was known for her sophistication and elegance.
Even while on a mission on the campaign trail, Obama turned a lot of heads with her outfits.
Yeah, I'm kind of a fan of Michelle. She rocks. I'd be pushing for her to be president if her equally capable, handsome husband wasn't running.
To fashionistas, she’s Michelle O, the new Jackie – and they hope she’ll send women to the malls in droves, looking to match her style.
To Post-feminists sees Michelle Obama as one of their own, the having-it-all Harvard-educated lawyer who’s embracing her role as “mom in chief” to two young daughters.
Obama's wardrobe caused quite the buzz when she wore a $149 black and white floral dress on "The View."
"This white house black market dress made a huge splash and sold out within 24 hours of Michelle wearing it on 'The View, "People loved it because it was so affordable.
This dress made people think 'I can identify with this woman.' She also added a pin to make it special to make it her own and florals is one of her signatures."One other Michelle Obama fashion news, it looks like we may be able to see a Vogue cover featuring Mrs. Obama in the immediate future. I have to say, this is a big duh!
Vogue has been gunning for a Michelle Obama cover since last year when she was featured in the September 2007 issue and photographed by Annie Leibowitz:
why michella is my new bella?
Fearless Fashionista
Afraid of wearing white? Most women are, but not Michelle Obama. She's fearless, just like she's not afraid to go out on the stump for Barack, go to battle with his detractors.
As they say behind every successful man, lies a woman
Cant wait to see what? Anna Wintour inspires and creates with Michelle our New Bella.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 12:07 PM 1 comments
Truth always Prevails
For everyone who reads this blog, and for everyone who secretly reads this...with the pass of Sahar...its kind of hard to force your opinions on this blog. Sahar and Diwa shared a special bond with one another that words cannot describe and will never be replaced. I'm sorry if it hurts that they shared something so beautiful...but C'est le Vie. Instead of saying stupid ass things, forcing your incorrect statements towards this awful situation...its not a competition. Shouldn't you be celebrating Sahar' s life? I mean she is not even here to defend herself. Just let her RIP. C' mon, we already have soo many ignorant people in this world, why do you want to add to the numbers? Do a little soul searching...maybe you'll find yourself and come to terms with your own insecurities that are eating you up. Leave it alone, your are nobody to judge what happened that day...only the ALMIGHTY can. What you think your GOD now? Lower your ego and instead of pointing fingers just start enjoying the many memories of Princess Sahari.
Diva Tea
P.s. I write with Green as Jealousy and Envy wont get you far.
The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious of the rose. ~ Khalil Gibran
Posted by Diwa Zai at 11:09 AM 9 comments
Im like a dose of Heroin
Diwa, i know your going to appreciate this one...Rapper Henok Achido feat Sophia Somajo
both from Sweden...When we going to Sweden mama? He' s sexy! lol
Posted by Asa from www.swaggerscout.blogspot.com.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 10:01 AM 0 comments
The moment
Some talented fans made an animated film for the International Festival of Animated Film from Filmakademie students Csaba Letay and Verena Fels for Kanye West "Street Lights". Entertaining, looks like all his videos are getting more animated. F*** the girls in bikinis with everything hanging out, the ices and bling. This is real artistic isssh.
K.West - SL from J Gavin on Vimeo.
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 9:46 AM 0 comments
What does it take to find lost Love?
Mumbai based Freida Pinto is one of the few Indian models to start her film career with a Hollywood film.
If you have not heard about Slumdog Millionaire then you must have missed all the buzz and the word of mouth publicity the film has got over the past few weeks.
I watched it the other night and I did cry a lot, the movie is at its heart, about aspiration, and about dreams coming true.
This ‘common man' Jamal, is not angry, like the Indian men of the 1970s. He is both hopeful and relentless, defiant and proud of his origins even as the people around him call him a 'slumdog'. He knows better - that it doesn't matter where you come from, only where you are headed.
Nominations for the 81st Academy Awards® were announced last Tuesday morning by Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences President Sid Ganis and Oscar-winning actor and Academy member Forest Whitaker. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button led the pack with 13 nominations, followed by Slumdog Millionaire with 10, and both The Dark Knight and Milk got eight.
It seems like most of the criticism comes from people who haven't seen the movie. I've talked to several people who got up and left after the first few minutes because they weren't expecting the violence and squalor from the way the movie was advertised and didn't want to see such horrible stuff about their our beloved Mumbai.
Go see Paul Blart then if you want to keep living in a fantasy world. Slumdog Millionaire” has it all, and I am sorely tempted to give it a 10/10 .
Posted by Diwa Zai at 8:14 AM 3 comments
Carine Roitfeld
She says..
Black? 'It's finished.' Leather? 'No good as you get older.' Jewellery? 'I hate watches. I never wear these things.' Thongs? 'Before I love strings. Now I hate strings.' Handbags? 'You can wear a completely transparent shirt and show all the breasts - I don't care. But I prefer to have my hands in my pocket than to have a nice little bag. So I am not good for all these fashions. They have to sell bags, bags, bags, bags, bags, bags. I hate handbags.'
Her look - the straight falling-forward dark hair, the smoky eyes, the heavy eyebrows - is so 'in' that if you flick through the current issue of her magazine, you see a stream of imitations, from the model in the advertisement for Chanel to the girl wearing a watch for Breil. Right now Carine Roitfeld, 50, is the most stylish woman in the world.
Carine Roitfeld, the editor of French Vogue is one of my favourite Parisian lady..Damn Women A Real trend setter, one of the most important ladies in fashion industry..
A couple of weeks ago at the Vogue Pariscalendar launch party,where one of my best friend did attend the party she said Carine Roitfeldspilled all kinds of details about what we have to look forward to: "February is an entire issue with Lara Stone and the cover line is Et Vogue Créa Lara." The influence is Roger Vadim's 1956 Brigitte Bardot classicEt Dieu . . . créa la femme — Lara has often garned Bardot comparisons — and will include shoots by Inez van Lamsweerde, Peter Lindbergh, Hedi Slimane, Nan Goldin, and Steven Klein.
All in one..i love strong, hard working ladies like her this frenchy is defiantly one of my Top Tens.
One Love
Posted by Diwa Zai at 7:47 AM 3 comments
"Its amazing, its amazing, so amazing. Im the reason everybody's fired up this evening. Holding on to what i believe in"
I love this song!
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 2:55 PM 2 comments
My dear Diwa,
Its so nice to hear your voice when I call you...to hear you laugh at all my dumb ass jokes...brings a smile to face. I know your going through a rough time with the pass of Beautiful Sahar. However, all i know and feel is that she wants you to be happy. We sit for hours when were doing absolutely nothing and you make me laugh with the stories you tell me about her. It almost reminds me of myself...the things i say and the things i do and the tantrums i throw. Just a few more days of you in Barcelona and will unite like we first met (you sound like my boyfriend, lol) in India. We will live it up Big Girl style and party like no tomorrow and ring in the second set of our crazy adventures and the memories that would last us a life time. We will celebrate yours, Sahar and F's birthday...and heck even mine again....all together! Diva's gotta stick together and magnify with our electrical presence. Its only right. We will wear pink like how she planned, look so pretty from head to toe in our D & G's. Act a fool, and behave the worst only because WE CAN! Obama said it best. LOL.
Just a few more days boo! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy :-)
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 1:17 PM 2 comments
Taken straight from http://www.cassism.blogspot.com/
In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan, armed with a reel-to-reel tape deck, snuck into John Lennon's hotel room in Toronto and convinced John to do an interview about peace. 38 years later, Jerry has produced a film about it. Using the original interview recording as the soundtrack, director Josh Raskin has woven a visual narrative which tenderly romances Lennon's every word in a cascading flood of multipronged animation. Raskin marries the terrifyingly genius pen work of James Braithwaite with masterful digital illustration by Alex Kurina, resulting in a spell-binding vessel for Lennon's boundless wit, and timeless message.
Shout out to my new friend CASS MAYA with a bold revolution vision and doing his thing as an artist. CHEAAAAA! See you out tonight! xxoo
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Boys will be Boys!
What is it with men? Ive been meeting a lot of men, tall , white, caramal, dark, sexy, hott, not so hot, crazy, jungleee, corporate...and the first thing they ask is " DO YOU COOK" LMAO. I mean whats it to you if cook or don't? its not like were getting married tomorrow. What if i don't know how to cook? does that mean your going to stop talking to me? I'm to busy to cook, i mean if you wanna cook me something, go ahead the kitchen is right there...and you can be sure ill eat it all up to. LOL. Its the 25th century boys, in case you didnt realize that women are very independent, and they have other things on their mind then cooking you up a meal. When the time is right, ill throw it down in the kitchen....as for right now all I want to do is have as much fun and call me up some take away sushi, i mean that why its there, RIGHT? . OOOOUCHHHHH! lol Cheeeeea!
Diva Tea
Yaahhh the story of my life. I just wanna have fun...
Posted by Diwa Zai at 12:11 PM 3 comments
A little revelation into my life in NYC. So for those who don't know me...I was living in Asia for about 5 years and then with a straight change of direction thought to myself Iwanted to be somewhere else. So i picked up, with the help of some friends encouraging me and set forth to NYC. Needed a breather from Bombay. New York City for me right now is amazing. It feels so right to be here, to wake up every morning, riding the train with different sorts of people. Crossing the Brooklyn bridge where that American flag just stands still. For every mile you walk inspiration crosses you, for every breath a beautiful smile walks on by. Its like anything can happen in the split moment and then its no looking back.
The men here are sexy weither there in a suite and some classic shades or some jeans and sneakers they have the most amazing sense of style...its their own. The women here are gorgeous and create their own little story which screams confidence.
The other day I saw this VS model walking down the street in her army green jacket, combat boots hair up in a bun, huge earphones singing out loud to her favorite song. To me that is cool, to me that is inspiration to be confident, strong, in love and to wear whatever you want and no one really gives a fug. For the first time I feel so alive and free and accepted...not that i never did. Its just being away from the flash lights and all that Bolly isshh and recollecting my thoughts have made me appreciate life and everything that it has to offer. NYC is flashy, this is me, this is so me...i repeat. I guess for me just being in NYC is no looking back.
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Obama inspires Iraq
Talk about inspiration in the middle east. Never before has a president touched the lives of many especially in the East where so much is going on. It amazes me how one man with so much charm, eloquence, a vision and so much inspiration can change the lives of many. I LOVE OBAMA !
The video showcases the black Iraqis in Iraq speaking on how Obama has given them so much HOPE and change because for the first time a person of color like themselves is in charge of a whole nation.
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Can't get enough!
I Know, I know overload on Kanye...sorry just had to do it. I told you Mr. West has his own sneaker collection out with LV... here are more from his line. These are the dopest shoes ever. I love the ones for men and the pink one below for women. These actually glow in the dark, like a pink highlighter. Future on lockdown baby! I want a pair NOW! Cheaaaa :- ~Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Paris with Kanye? Sure I wouldnt mind...
My obsession is everything Kanye West...you still can't hate on him for being so fresssh and so fly! I mean look at him here in Paris attending a show...in a red blazer with the new Louis Vuitton chief scarf in hot pink and LV suitcase. Now who says pink and red clash? 100 points on my radar, he could take me to Paris anyday. I swear I wont mind. ;-0 LOL
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Kk 2
My two favorite people the DIVO of Couture fashion at its darn best and the Artist known as Kanye 'swag the' West. All they need is me in the middle to keep it Fabulous and its a wrap. I'm feeling Kanye and his new album and the direction he went with it...however i just wish that Kanye would be more grounded then big headed...i mean its not going to make him more or less. You could totally tell as this guy is taking a picture with him below. His stance is almost like Mr. Lagerfields steeze. Callllllllllm down love, Karl is the OG of this fashion Game.Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Sleeping Beauty
Its so hard to say goodbye to yesterday, when each thought, dream and talk was so vivid. Plans so clear and so close. Within a flash, 360 a complete turn around. We ask why? there is no reason no explanation, thats the way YOU wanted it. Her body, at rest and finally after weeks of what had happened...is able to be the sleeping beauty of our time and be peaceful forever. RIP SAHARI
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 12:54 PM 4 comments
Change is Here
A change is already here...New President, new thoughts, new ideas, a new found happiness, Inspiration and Love. For you Diwa : its been a long time coming, but a change is going to come. Sahar, is smiling and her light is guiding you into that change. LOVE YOU
Barack Obama "Change Gonna Come" feat B.o.B, Charles Hamilton and Asher Roth from TJ Chapman on Vimeo.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Not Ready to Say Good bye
Calling her just a "best friend" doesn't seem right...she was more than that. It's not fair that we weren't sisters. Because if you say something about your "sister", people get it. (Plus, most sisters probably don't love and care about each other as we do.)
If it's just your "friend", it's not that big of a deal. But she was a big deal. And I don't know what I'm going to do without her for the rest of my life. We figured we'd be old and senile, sharing a room in the nursing home and beating each other with our canes! And if we weren't senile and still remembered we were friends, we'd just hit the other old people with our canes! lol!As sit here staring at your picture I can’t believe you are gone.
Today i am wearing the shirt you give me you were here, it stills smells like you my Sahar
I know I should put the Shirt away and move on with my life,
but I’m not ready to say good bye. I’m not ready to say goodbye to your beautiful angelic face.
I’m not ready to say goodbye to the hope and happiness we shared..
In God’s plan he only gave you 23 years of life on this earth.
My faith allows me to believe He had a very good reason for that.
But even with my belief in God’s plan I’m still not ready to say good-bye.
My eyes hurt so much I don't think I can make any more tears. I miss you Sahar, and I'm not accepting this and I want you back.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 9:09 AM 3 comments
i miss you my sahar
Others will not recognize you now. But did they ever, really? They cannot follow you here. To your new land of miracles. This land of scars and broken heart.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 5:31 AM 0 comments
Break The LAW
I've been hanging alot on the LES (the lower east side) in the city...as its full of inspiration, people, things and everything thats truthful to its core . Went to this spot last night with a friend of mine named Lawrence Annunziata and some friends. I had to write about him, cause he's on fire hes a designers dream and a photographers crazy vision.
Born and raised in Nyc, half Black and Italian, LAW has been modeling for the last couple of years and has walked for many designers and such as Sean John and was the face of Escada summer collection. With his strong force, unique look, and the most intense eyes with the longest lashes that would melt any females heart...you have to watch out for him as he's just getting started.
Law is sure going to create some of his own rules and break them all again. SEXXXY!
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 1:35 PM 2 comments
The Real Dirty Genius movement is all about being Inspired by the constant Stimulation and using that force to create Change. Thats the energy Real Dirty Genius team is bringing to their garments. The visionaries co-founders Karl and Marcus bring their force of magic by artistically creating spiritual presence on the simplicity of t-shirts and hoodies.
The ladies aspect of Real Dirty Genius is about to hit the universe...displaying the same movement as the mens with more of a feminine touch with eccentric and bold moves for 2009 the divine. I.S.C.
Im glad to say that im apart of this team creating hotness for the streets worldwide baby! Cheaaaa ;-0
Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Rocky S
My dear friend Rocks known as Rocky S to the fashion industry worldwide...is my heart. The courage was given to me to go pursue my dreams and don't listen to anyone or anybody. Your heart never lies. Advice taken, packed my bags and being the 5 star Gypsie that i am...came to NYC for a little breather.
So let me talk about Rocky...He's one of India leading fashion designer specializing in The House of Rocky S from Couture, traditional Indian Ready to wear, perfumes and his own NOIR. His line Noir is the one that i love the most...as it his his own trademark...cause if you ever see him out and about living it up divo style he's always laced in the darkness of black. His clothes catering to women, make you feel like a real women accentuating the goddess form.
He has dressed everyone from Beyonce, The PussyCatDolls and of course the leading Divas of Bollywood. Just completing fashion week in England, Paris and Milan, look out for his spring summer collection' 09 ...releasing in Asia, Europe and America. He's about to blow up this year.
Love ya Jaan
Diva Teawww.rocky-s.com
Posted by Diwa Zai at 10:42 AM 2 comments
A Message ~ SAHARI
Diwa, my love...these poems from our favorite poet RUMI reminds me of the love that you and Beautiful Sahari shared as well our time. I still can't believe she's in the heavens above...resting her mystic soul and shining her light. A message from the midst of magical air:
This is the one who soothes my heart with endless
and love the one who one hour bestows inner peace and
the next the nectar of life this dream too as it
arrives and as it
departs im helpless
again Onces you conquer your selfish self all your darkness
will change to light.

Dont sink like a fish to the bottom of the sea. Surge like an ocean,
don't scatter yourself like a storm Life's water flows from darkness.
Search the darkness, Don't run from it. Night travelers
are full of light,
and you are, too; don't leave this companionship. Be a wakeful
candle in a golden dish, don't slip into the dirt like quicksilver.
The moon appears for night travelers,
be watchful when the moon is full.

Diva Tea
Posted by Diwa Zai at 4:09 PM 3 comments
Saturdays always with my Sahar..
Today, when I sit by my big glass window, gazing at the vast black sky above, holding my phone in my hand…I think, I miss, I remember…a saturday afternoon in the phone with my Sahar.. Her… I want to write a sms to her, I want to pour in few drops of my love for her on some dry and blank sms on my phone, but no words come down…no words…yeah no words. A shooting star in that piece of sky…I want to close my eyes and want to make a wish for…we may mend again, for…let us be together again...but, now I don’t trust these shooting stars, I don’t believe that wishes come true when you see a shooting star…for, I never asked them to make us go far, separate…for…we together always wished for our bond to grow stronger. Now, I don’t trust these shooting stars.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 2:06 PM 8 comments
Dior Cruise Sandels '09
LOL...im not sure about these. I mean they look fierce but im not sure if I would wear them or put them in a glass case and just be memorized by them. What if you tripped while wearing these...cause knowing my clumsy ass, one step and im down on the floor. LOL.
Posted by Diwa Zai at 10:10 AM 0 comments
Rebirth of Slick ~ UK Fresh
The Uk British movement, moved by three players named Sinbad, Ammo and Jimi known in the Uk as the Twilight Players. Exuded ed with flavor, stepped out from a ol' movie scene from the '50s swaying to classic Havana beats, Bollywood glitz of the Sixties, right through to the Americana Soul Movement of the Seventies. Working with everyone from Madonna and making an impact in Bollywood as well. It seems like the coolness stems from the Uk...it just that it never really gets put on.
There about the few Desi's that i know that vision outside the rigid box and not inside. Thank Gosh! However, time will tell and you'll see these boys everywhere. Go ahead boys do your thing! :-)
Diva Tea
Video shot on the streets of Morocco (sexy, magic, stars). Fresh!
Note to Sinbad: When you coming back to the bai?
Posted by Diwa Zai at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Hello Kitty and M.A.C
I love how now...everyone is teaming up with everyone to create some hotness. M.A.C and Hello Kitty is coming out with their collection as Kitty is about to hit MAC’s website on February 10, 2009 and in MAC US stores on February 12, 2009 and overseas stores in March 2009. I'm a makeup fiend, eventhough I dont wear to much makeup...just looking at all the bright colors in my room makes me excited....this line will be a perfect add to my pink Hello Kitty Makeup bag. OHHH im so excited! ;-0
Posted by Diwa Zai at 8:48 AM 0 comments