Youtube Yourself Famous Right!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Now there’s this thing called the Internet. Anyone can post just about anything on the web about themselves and hope to become famous. I read an article in Economist last week at the Heathrow Airport. It was about people who use the net to become famous. Most of these people they did idiotic things like post endless blog entries about themselves and put web cams in their bedrooms.
There’s no reason these people should become famous, and I never heard of any of them before, but for some reason this magazine thought these people were famous enough to write a story about them.

So, in short, if you want to become famous, develop an entertaining skill. Then, publicize this skill everywhere you can. Set up websites, print your name on bumper stickers, post posters with your picture on bulletin boards, in short, nag the hell out of people to get them to recognize your name. At worst, you will become a famous annoyance.

Maybe tomorrow I will set up my Sahars Poetry Blog. Right now, I am off to a Casa Mila to sit in on a writers group meeting. I won’t get famous tonight, but there’s always tomorrow. Later.