Everyone keeps asking me what the word Junglee means, as i use it non stop. Well im gonna break it down for you. It comes from the Hindi dictionary which means "Wild and Crazy". I've kind added my own little hotness to it...and it means more then just being crazy or Jung-lee. Its out there, its outside the box, its loud, eccentric, love, ecstasy, its hot pink lips with olive eyeliner, its reeses pieces butter cups frozen with green tea, its imperfection in a beautiful way, its champagne wishes and cavier dreams all in one . Its simply being YOU. Which a lot of people are afraid of being. Its a vocabulary lifestyle, i would think. LOL. I also added Jungalina (your girlie's) and Jungs ( quick connection) which i added to the mix. Yeah were junglee, thanks to him...its a lovely feeling. Junglee Love baby!
Diva TeaJunglee is forgetting my passport on the plane on our way to our destination spot, causing an emotional movie scene in the middle of the airport somewhere in Europe and bursting out with tears when it was left on the plane. Talking so loud and singing on the top of our lungs that we had the whole front of the plane to ourself, LOL. Showing off on the jet ski....blowing kisses to all the boys that were vying for our attention and almost tumbling over. Waking up uber early, so we could have our own little photoshoot...then plastering it all over FB...for the Eager and Curious. LMAO
Junglee is waiting at the hotel lobby of the Arts one of my favorite Hotels in Barcelona at 7am in the morning spaced the SHUCKS out, unitl Miss D comes to scoop me up, text messaging a hundread times till we get what we want. Jumping on the "oh so soft bed" till we land and crash. Eating all the goodies up in the bar, cause Miss D reassured me that its on the house. You know if its 5 star ...there gonna have it flashy. Causing chaos everywhere we go...till they had enough. Oh well, it happens!
Junglee is poppin' champagne cause were thirsty at ten in the morning, then smothering cooking oil all over our bodies...Miss D stated it was the perfect Bora Bora island tan procedure after you baked in the sun ...it's going to turn your skin color Golden Caramel Brown with a tint of shine and sparkles. Burnt is more like it!
Junglee is eating Haagan daz ice-cream...one after the other and trying all the flavors of the world...till your tummy hurts. Then mixing it in with tuna carpaccio, plate after plate until you would throw up and then doing it all over again, the next day.
Junglee is making faces and being foolish, then putting on Russian accents (no offense, im an actress) to get into club Sutton in Barcelona. Getting out of a cab looking and feeling like a trillion euros, game so tight, flow is great, scent so fresh, lips so pink...and then tripping and falling smack down on my ass in front of Club Pacha in Morocco. While Miss D and Miss S are having a little laugh along with the long line outside. What can i say in every which way...all eyes on US.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Posted by Diwa Zai at 2:01 PM
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My Diva Tea i just Simply Love you, you did this text so much better then Me..Shout Out to you My love thanks for all the energy and support and Love..i would never be able to Thank you FOR everything you mean to me..
I simply love you..
you are one of the reasons iam standing still today..thank you love for all the memories and making them come back to me..
it just made my day, i will read it Loud and loud everytime i feel down..
For our Sahari..i miss her so much
and i love you, from my broken heart forever..
i know Tooo much emotions..Sahar would comment something like that..haha i know i know i admit iam God damn it Emotional Junglee My Tino..
i Miss you God damn it!!
OH my Lord, you guys are amazing together, they say good friends are your wings, diwa iam glad to see you love your friends so much and they love you back so much.
WoW did you guys travel so much? and when? i dont know you Tina but i know Diwa and i recommend that her close friends should take her away for travelling for a while she needs that right now more then anything.
you all have to be there for her, she is not doing so well, i knew how much sahar meant for Diwa so please i suggest you guys stand by her and take her away for a while so she feels the love and start accepting things.
Joseph J
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