The City the Reality? MTV FAME?

Friday, January 30, 2009

I’ve been stewing about this all day….

First off, I am NOT a regular watcher of The Hills, The OC, or any of these faux-reality MTV shows., But i do watch Gossip Girls for the sake of Chuck..

They are just ridiculous- and lets face it, I’m just way too old and out of the demographic.

BUT- I happened to catch The City today, and as someone who has so many friends working in “The City” immediately after college I want to put a few things straight to the 16-20 year old kids out there who think, for any reason, that The City represents real life in NYC.

Firstly, there is NO WAY a PR job at DVF pays enough money to support Whitney’s lifestyle.  Granted, the little tart gets $75k per episode (or so I’ve read) - but really, to make it “reality” shouldn’t they have her trying to scrape by like real people her age have to do when living/working in NYC for the first time?

I remember friends that lived in NYC right after college during their first job; their bedrooms were the size of closets.  Actually their bedrooms WERE the closets because well, the closets didn’t exist.  Another friend lived in a studio and had a murphy bed.  I thought it was super cool, although now I can only imagine how annoying it must have been to pull down your bed night after night!  Imagine one of those tart socialites pulling down a murphy bed to get busy on?  It would probably make the show a lot more fun, wouldn’t it!

In the episode I saw today, a love interest showed up at a dinner party (um, seriously though- who has fucking dinner parties at 21…. well, besides me… I did, didn’t I?)… with a bottle of Veuve Clicquot champagne.  Seriously, what kid that age #1 knows what Veuve Clicquot is and #2 brings it to a party?!  

I feel bad for recent and upcoming college and university graduates like myself,  we are entering a job market that is the worst since the depression.. and yet, we are  bombarded with images of wealth and excess that is, at our age, almost 99% unattainable.

And even worse, they think that this is what life is really like- that after a full day of work (especially in fashion, you know at 21-22 you are worked like a dog- at least 10-11 hour days) you still look fabulous and then you go out and party.  Um- you’re usually dog tired- and if you do party, it’s at home, because after paying rent, bills, student loans- there is nothing left to go out with!

Seriously though, MTV should be a little ashamed of themselves by putting this vapid show on the air… shouldn’t we  be teaching our youth something a little more important? What about a reality show about what life is REALLY like!


Anonymous said...

so true as a fashion student i agree with you miss d

Anonymous said...

love it

Anonymous said...

Really nice said, Bravo you young ladies.
Keep It Up.

Anonymous said...

It's about time someone spoke up on these fake ass celebrity "reality" starts. I don't know what "reality" has DFV herself actually meeting and interviewing a potential candidate for a starting out of college PR position. I think the worst part of the these "reality" shows is the people on there actually become famous/celebrities. Thats ridiculous, I once thought that to be famous/celebrity meant you had at least some sort of talent. Thanks to "reality tv's" LC factory, it simply means you live a really privledged life, get taped doing it, and all of sudden your famous. I spit on this type of fame....*pwuah


BuzyGurl said...

I agree .