Ain't no sunshine when Your gone my Best friend!

Friday, January 23, 2009


Anonymous said...

She is in a beautiful place now...where no one can hurt her. She is looking down on us and guiding you my lovely. SMILE

Anonymous said...

My sympathy to you and the family. The loss of a loved one is the most difficult time to be in. You are shattered, you are hurt, you are lonesome, you are depressed and you even can feel lost at times through out the day. These are normal feelings that you will go through, until you are ready to move on with your life. That doesn't mean we forget the one's that we loved, it just means we can remember the good times and hold them dear in our heart. It's also good to mention their name so they know and we know they are not forgotten. No one wants to hear this, but the truth is, it just takes time and no one can tell you how much time that will be. Everyone is unique in dealing with the lost of a loved one and each mourn differently and move on at different times. It's just when you are finally ready. What I will say take the time that you need and don't push yourself to hurry but go through what ever it is you need to and grieve as you see fit. If you need to cry it out, cry, if you need to talk to someone, talk. If you need to lay in bed all day, lay in bed.
Again, I am sorry for your loss and may God be with you and the family and my prayers are with you.