Teisbe Styles

Monday, March 30, 2009

Seeing beauty, thats what Teisbe Styles aka Tony is all about. I met him a few weeks ago at this underground loft party....where I was bartending. "Would you like cranberry or orange juice", i would repeat a hundread times. However, there was a B-Boy competition going on and all these boys from everywhere in the world came down to participate. It was held by one of Madonnas dancer and the winner would take home 1K. Its more then just dancing...as an artist you are suppose to feel and build on the emotions that are within you, like a journey of stories, told right before the judgment of watchin eyes.

As the only Asian there doing his thing he showed a different kind of freshness that stood him apart. A passion which you could see in his eyes. Passed me by with a smile...then came back with a little more talk. I like to say...I love confidence in a man. Before he could get to the number part....my response "hit me up on FB". We connected and there is more to him then just a little game. His energy is exuded through is dancing and you could feel the magic and emotions while he showing his skills on the dance floor.

You need to watch out for Tony as he is about to do big things in NYC. You could keep a track of him by going to his website www.teisbe.com
Conceive, Believe, Achieve, Recieve, Look See Move, Be Do Have!!!!!!!!!!!

Diva Tea


Anonymous said...

is he Chinese? or Philippineo? as YOU Miss T?

Anonymous said...

Lol he is chinese mixed with vietnames. LOL Im whatever you want me to be! sssshhhh

Anonymous said...

thanks for the Shine Gypsy!