Michella My Bella..

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Michelle Obama follows in the fashion footsteps of first ladies like Jackie Kennedy, who was known for her sophistication and elegance.

 Even while on a mission on the campaign trail, Obama turned a lot of heads with her outfits.

Yeah, I'm kind of a fan of Michelle. She rocks. I'd be pushing for her to be president if her equally capable, handsome husband wasn't running.

To fashionistas, she’s Michelle O, the new Jackie – and they hope she’ll send women to the malls in droves, looking to match her style.

 To Post-feminists sees Michelle Obama as one of their own, the having-it-all Harvard-educated lawyer who’s embracing her role as “mom in chief” to two young daughters.

 Obama's wardrobe caused quite the buzz when she wore a $149 black and white floral dress on "The View."

 "This white house black market dress made a huge splash and sold out within 24 hours of Michelle wearing it on 'The View, "People loved it because it was so affordable.

This dress made people think 'I can identify with this woman.' She also added a pin to make it special to make it her own and florals is one of her signatures."One other Michelle Obama fashion news, it looks like we may be able to see a Vogue cover featuring Mrs. Obama in the immediate future.  I have to say, this is a big duh!

Vogue has been gunning for a Michelle Obama cover since last year when she was featured in the September 2007 issue and photographed by Annie Leibowitz: 


why michella is my new bella?

  Fearless Fashionista

Afraid of wearing white? Most women are, but not Michelle Obama. She's fearless, just like she's not afraid to go out on the stump for Barack, go to battle with his detractors.

As they say behind every successful man, lies a woman

Cant wait to see what? Anna Wintour inspires and creates with Michelle our New Bella.


Cass Maya said...

ehhh, i like the concept of having a first ladies fashionista but i don't see that being the case, how else would the first lady dress? the only reason ms obama and ms kennedy are "fashionistas" is because they are the wives of the youngest presidents... i don't see any of them wearing something breath taking or ground breaking. they're simply wearing good expensive well tailored first lady clothes. for as much swagger as Barack has, i would expect a little more from michelle, but it's pretty neutral as of now. but taking nothing from her political glory that i love and adore, and proudly support.